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5th Mid Term CSOS is organized by Bilaspur Divisional Ophthalmological Society(BDOS), Chhattisgarh

Mid-term Conference of Chhattisgarh State Ophthalmological Society (CSOS) at Bilaspur attended by Dr D Rahangdale, Dr M Singh, Dr H Goklani, Dr S Gupta, Dr A Agrawal, Dr P Shrivastava & Dr Sushmita.

5 awards achieved

  • Dr D Rahangdale : Bronze in free paper
  • Dr M Singh : Silver in free paper
  • Dr H Goklani : Gold in free paper
  • Dr A Agrawal : Gold in poster
  • Dr S Gupta : Bronze in poster


CME on Achieving quality in cataract surgery & Practice management in eye care

MGM Eye Institute organized its annual CME on Achieving quality in cataract surgery & Practice management in eye care on 28th August 2023 with guest speaker Dr RD Ravindran Chairman Director-Quality, Aravind Eye Care System speaking on achieving quality in cataract surgery and Dr Ritika Sachdev Director, Centre for Sight highlighted on practice management. In house consultant of MGM deliberated on Infection Control Practices. Active participation and interaction was done by the delegates in all the sessions.


Workshop on Clinical Research Methodology

Workshop on Clinical research methodology conducted on 18-06-2023 at MGMEI. Guest faculty was Dr Sabyasachi Sengupta, Associate Editor of the Indian Journal of Ophthalmology and host faculty consultant from MGMEI also gave lectures on various aspect of writing a Clinical research paper. The delegates participated in the workshop group activity along with the trainee’s doctor of MGMEI.


Patient Care Counsellor Workshop

Patient care counsellor workshop held on 21-05-2023 in MGMEI. All counsellor, director & consultant participated power point presentation and role play done by the consellor releting to patient care and conseling

11-05-2023 TO 14-05-2023


MGM Eye Institute Raipur Director, Dr. Deepshikha Agrawal and other consultants attended the AIOC 2023 81st Annual Conference at Lulu Bolgatty International Convention Center (LBICC), Bolgatty Island, adjacent to Grand Hyatt, Bolgatty, Kochi, Kerala from 11 to 14 May 2023


Guest lecture by Dr (Prof) Rajesh Sinha

we are happy to share with Dr (Prof) Rajesh Sinha was visited MGM Eye Institute on 23-01-2023 and deliver lecture on Microbiol keratitis : Recent Advance.


21st Annual CSOS Conference 2022

21st Annual CSOS Conference was held on 17th and 18th December 2022 at Hotel Babylon Capital ,Raipur . MGM Director and all consultants actively participated in the conference. Dr Deepshikha Agrawal chaired the session for Video competition, Dr Samrat Chatterjee , Consultant, Cornea and Anterior Segment chaired the Instruction course in IOL session and also his research paper was selected as the best paper in Cornea .Dr Mihir Mishra, consultant in Ophthalmic Plastics presented clinical research paper which was selected as the best paper in Orbit session and also as Overall best paper. Dr Monalisa Mahapatra, Consultant pediatric ophthalmology presented her clinical research paper which was selected as the Best paper in Paediatric Ophthalmology Session. Dr Anupam Sahu , Consultant ,pediatric ophthalmology also presented his clinical research paper which was well appreciated. Fellows and residents also presented their papers and actively participated.


18th MGMEI Foundation Day , November 22, 2022

The annual foundation day of MGMEI was celebrated with various activities, games and Cultural programme with active participation of MGM staff and Doctors. Songs , Plays and group dance were showcased in the evening and prize distribution was done in various categories for the staff.

11 to 13-11-2022

MGMEI in 15th Biennial SAO International Conference 2022

South Asian academy of Ophthalmology International Conference including 8 Countries was held from 11th -13th November 2022 in India Habitat Center, New Delhi, INDIA with active participation of MGM Director Dr Deepshikha Agrawal , Dr Samrat Chatterjee, Dr Anupam Sahu , Dr Mihir Mishra presented the Instruction course on OT Protocols and Dr Dr Anil Gangwe deliberated on the ROP management.


Prof. Dr Ava Hossain, Director cum Chief Consultant, OSB Eye Hospital, Bangladesh visit to MGMEI

Prof. Dr Ava Hossain, Director cum Chief Consultant, OSB Eye Hospital, Mirpur, Dhaka, Bangladesh visited MGM Eye Institute on 7th November and gave a talk on “Ocular trauma”.All consultants , DNB trainees and Fellows attend the talk and there was discussion relating to the trauma patients and its management with the challenges faced. She saw the various facilities of the Institute and applauded the clinical and research work done in MGM.



“World Patent Safety Week” was celebrated by MGMEI in the premises organized and lead by the MGM NABH team. The whole MGM staff participated in the various activites like quiz and poster competition with prize distribution to the winners. Management game activity was also done in the dinner get together with solo and group performances of dance, song and music on the occasion of getting the NABH 1st Re- accreditation certification in 2022.


CME ON “Learning from Mistakes”

CME on Learning from Mistakes was conducted in MGM Eye Institute on 21st August 2022. Eminent Guest speakers Dr. Ajit Babu Majji And Dr. Sourabh Patwardhan gave insightful presentation to the delegates along with consultants from MGMEI relating to their specialty , the sessions were interactive with active participation from delegates. Quiz was also conducted as fillers for recreation.



3rd Mid Year CSOS Conference was held On 7th August 2022 at Bhilai . MGM Director Dr Deepshikha Agrawal and consultants participated in the conference. Dr Mihir Mishra, consultant in Ophthalmic Plastics was invited as local Guest Speaker for talk In Anophthalmic Socket Management and Eye Trauma Management and Dr Anil B Gangwe was invited to present the Publication Article on ROP which received the IJO Award.

02-06-2022 to 05-06-2022


MGM Eye Institute Raipur Director, Dr. Deepshikha Agrawal and other consultants attended the AIOC 2022 80th Annual Conference at Jio World Convention Centre, Mumbai on 02 and 05 Jun 2022


International Nurses Day

International Nurses Day is celebrated every year May 12 is observed as International Nurses Day across the world to honour the services of nurses. It is the birth anniversary of Florence Nightingale, the English social reformer, statistician and founder of modern nursing. She was also known as Lady with the Lamp.


Emotional Healing Workshop

We believe in Happy employee lead to happy patients. Emotional healing session conducted by Ms. seema Tayal which can help our staff to manage day to day struggle. release of negative emotions and suppressed feeling which also help to improve concentration and mental charity.


Padma Shri Dr. Vikas Mahatme visit to MGMEI

Happy to share that Member of Parliament in Rajya Sabha, Padma Shri Dr. Vikas Mahatme has visited MGM Eye Institute, Raipur, Chhattisgarh out of his busy schedule. This is a great honor for all of us. He has appreciated the work of MGM Eye Institute and he has shared his vast experiences in the field of Ophthalmology and guided us for more improvements.



International Women's Day is celebrated every year on March 8, to highlight the achievements made by women across different fields. The day also intends to create awareness among women to take a stand for themselves and fight against gender discrimination in society.



We completed successful 17 years in the field of ophthalmology on November 22 2021. We are committed for better ophthalmic services, teaching and training. Small seed which was planted 17 years back is now a giant tree.


CME On Phaco Shala

A virtual online CME webinar Phacoshala was hosted by MGM Eye Institute in Zoom Platform with video assisted skill transfer on 29th August, 2021. relating to perils and pitfalls of phacoemulsification techniques and IOL. Eminent speakers included Dr Harbansh Lal, Dr Arup Chakrabarti, Dr Haripriya Aravind along with MGM consultant Dr Bharat Patil and Dr Monalisa Mohapatra, coordinated by Dr Samrat Chatterjee. Discussions with question and answers were done by experienced panelists. Everybody enjoyed participating in the Online Quiz with prize grabbing. Audience included from all parts of India and local ophthalmologist


Training program for Patient Care Counselors

VISION 2020-The Right to Sight India and MGM Eye Institute conducted a training program for Patient Care Counselors at MGM Eye Institute on January 17-18, 2020. Over 50 delegates from about 20 partner Institutes from all over India participated in the training workshop. The workshop was inaugurated by Dr Deepshikha Agrawal, Director of MGM Eye Institute. She stressed the importance of patient care counselors in ophthalmic eye care. Dr Ankita Priyadarshi, Program Manager, VISION 2020, described various activities undertaken by VISION 2020 through out the year and emphasized on continuing training programs. Dr Samrat Chatterjee coordinated the academic program over the two days. Mrs Sumita Brahma, HR Administrator took care of the organization of the workshop. The counselors were trained in eye diseases, eye surgeries, counseling techniques and soft skill enhancement. Dr S Chatterjee, Dr M Mishra, Dr A Sahu, Dr D Dash, DR SM Parchand, Dr BP Patil, Consultants, MGM Eye Institute, Ms S Ar


Workshop on Good Clinical Practices

"Workshop on Good Clinical Practices" was conducted at MGM Eye Institute on 12-01-2020, attended by selected MGM Doctors and staff.


Annual Conference Of Chhattisgarh Ophthalmic Society ( CSOS) 2019

Dr. Deepshikha Agrawal - conducted Ocular Trauma Symposium at CSOS- 2019 in Bhilai. Dr. Swapnil Parchand got Gold medal in Best video award. Dr. Samrat Chatterjee received Gold medal for best paper award on- 1.. Cataract surgery in uveitis visual outcome and risk factors.2- Rose K versus conventional contact lens in Keratoconus.3- Best paper of conference - AIOS recommendation. Papers were presented by the DNB, trainee doctors and Fellow doctors along with presentations and session chairing by consultants of MGM.


Foundation Day

We completed successful 15 years in the field of ophthalmology on November 22 2019. We are committed for better ophthalmic services, teaching and training. Small seed which was planted 15 years back is now a giant tree. Last year was extremely successful for us, we were awarded by NABH certificate, we started 9 modular OTs and we shifted to all new EMR system for paperless work.


World Prematurity Day

We celebrated World Prematurity Day on 17th November 2019, on this occasion MGM ROP club was formed. ROP club will provide common platform to parents of ROP kids to share their experiences & to facilitate problems they are facing. This is happening first time in INDIA. This also marked the successful treatment of 250 ROP kids at MGM Eye Institute. ROP - Retinopathy of prematurity is a vision threatening retinal disease of premature babies. If treated on time vision can be saved.


Motivation seminar by Dr. Monika Sethi

Motivation seminar organised at MGM Eye Institute on November 14, lecture by Dr. Monika Sethi (Head SCRM) & group activity by MGM staff during session.


CME on “Practice Pearls in Cataract, Glaucoma and Diabetic Retinopathy “

A first of its kind interactive electronic pad based CME on “Practice Pearls in Cataract, Glaucoma and Diabetic Retinopathy “ was conducted by MGMEI on 25th August in the premises with Eminent guest speakers Dr Rajvardhan Azad, Dr Arup Chakrabarti and Dr Krishnadas giving their expert opinions and interacting with views of panelist and delegates of various management options of challenging cases.MGM consultants also contributed in the discussion of the varied interesting cases.



On the occasion of birthday of Shri Rawatpura Sarkar MGM Eye Institute Organizes free eye screening camp at "SHRI RAWATPURA SARKAR ASHRAM - DHANELI, RAIPUR" on 05-07-2019, in which more than 200 Eye screenings are done and more than 25 Eye surgeries done successfully at free of cost.


Strategic planning workshop

Strategic Planning Workshop(2020-2025) is organized on MGM Eye Institute on 29 and Jun 2019. In this event Dr. B R Shamanna and Mr. S. Sarvanan are Guest speakers.



MGM Eye Institute Raipur Director, Dr. Deepshikha Agrawal and other consultants attended the VISION -2020 The right to sight India 15th annual conference at Arvind Eye Hospital Chennai on 8 and 9 Jun 2019.


Nurses Day Celebration

Nurses day celebrated at MGM Eye Institute with all nursing staff and Doctors.


Refresher course for Ophthalmic Nursing

Refresher course for Ophthalmic Nursing is organized on 28 April, 2019 at MGM Eye Institute.


Annual ORBIS India partners meet

Director of MGM Eye Institute, Dr. Deepshikha Agrawal and Counsultant Dr. Anupam Sahu attended the Annual ORBIS India partners meet at Delhi on 05 and 06 April 2019.


World Optometry Day

MGM Eye Institute celebrates World Optometry Day on 23 March 2019 with model presentation, quiz and prize distribution. Models of various eye test related equipment were made by optometrists of MGMEI.


Glaucoma week

MGM Eye Institute celebrates Glaucoma week from 10-03-2019 to 16-03-2019.


77 th ANNUAL Conference of AIOC 2019

MGMEI Director Dr. Deepshikha Agrawal and Consultants Dr. Samrat Chatterjee, Dr. Mihir Mishra, Dr. Anil B. Gangwe, Dr. Sagarmoy Purkayastha, Dr. Gitumoni Sharma, Dr. Swapnil M. Parchand Attended the 77th Annual Conference of AIOC RE-2019 on 14-17 February at Indore.


Sculpture workshop

MGM Eye Institute organizes "Sculpture Workshop" by Department of Sculpture IKSVV Khairagarh, from 15 Jan to 25 Jan 2019.