Timing: Monday to Saturday 8.00 AM to 5.00 PM    Emergency services 24x7


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Make A Donation

Donations to Miki Memorial Trust are exempted from Tax U/S 80G of Income Tax Act.

The mission of MGM Eye Institute is to provide most advanced eye care services to all segments of the society especially the economically underprivileged.Those who are economically weak are also receiving the same quality of services totally free of cost with utmost care and dignity. We intend to be self–sustaining organization with a resolve that such services shall be no less than the 50 percent of our total services.

Every patient receives the highest quality care, irrespective of caste, creed, sex, religion or ability to pay for surgeries at the hospital. We intend to perform 50 % of total treatments absolutely free of cost — by the same doctors, at the same operation theatres and with the same post-operative care, as paying patients receive.

Free eye checkup for 15 outpatients

Rs. 7,500

Combined surgery for Cataract and Glaucoma of 1 patient

Rs. 10,000

Compete check-up and surgery of 1 paediatric patient

Rs. 30,000

Paying patients of a selected day cataract, Glaucoma, Retina, Squint, Oculoplasty, Lacricmal surgery of All non paying patients on 1 selected day for 3 consecutive years

Rs. 2, 50,000

Complete diagnostic tests for 2 patients

Rs. 6,000

Examination under anaesthesia for 1 paediatric patient (Child/Baby)

Rs. 6,000

IOL surgery / Glaucoma surgery of 1 patient

Rs. 8,000

Check-up of all non-paying patient with special diagnostic tests for 1 day

Rs. 25,000

Corneal Transplantation of 1 patient

Rs. 30,000

Complete check-up and surgery of 1 pediatric patient

Rs. 40,000

Cataract, Glucoma, Retina, Squint, Oculopalsty, Lacrimal surgery of all non

Rs. 1,50,000

You can donate through Cheque/DD, made in favor of Miki Memorial Trust, payable at Raipur. Registered under Section 12A of Income Tax Act, 1961. Donations to Miki Memorial Trust are exempted from Tax U/S 80G of Income Tax Act

Donation Form

Please Send the Personal Details along with Cheque/DD to:

  • MGM Eye Institute, 5th Mile, Vidhan Sabha Road, Raipur - 493 111, Chhattisgarh, India

  • Phone: +91- 771 2970670, 2970671, 2970672

  • Email: info@mgmeye.org

  • Website: www.mgmeye.org